Keyboard Shortcuts for Krita on Windows and MacOS Explained

There are many keyboard shortcuts you can use in Krita. Knowing the keyboard shortcut in Krita is important. It takes time to use your mouse or stylus to choose the tool you want to use. 

Pressing the required keyboard shortcut can improve your digital art workflow immensely. You can scroll down and see all available keyboard shortcuts in Krita for Windows and MacOS. 

Remember that the Linux version of Krita has the same keyboard shortcut as the Windows OS version. 

I will also detail how to customize the Krita shortcuts and reset if you make mistakes while customizing the keyboard shortcuts in Krita.

Krita Windows OS Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Ctrl + NCreate a New Document
Ctrl + OOpen a Document
Ctrl + SSave the Document 
Ctrl + Shift + SSave As
Ctrl + Alt + SSave Incremental
Ctrl + WClose the Document
Ctrl + Shift + WClose All Document
Ctrl + QQuit the Application
Ctrl + ZUndo Previous Action
Ctrl + Shift + ZRedo to Next Action
Ctrl + XCut (Image, Layer, Shape & Text)
Ctrl + CCopy (Image, Layer, Shape & Text)
Ctrl + Shift + CCopy Merged
Ctrl + VPaste copied object
Ctrl + Shift + NPaste into New Image
Ctrl + Shift + RPaste as Reference Image
DeleteClear/Delete anything on a layer
F1Krita Handbook
F2Rename Current Layer
BFreehand Brush Tool
QMulti-Brush Tool
TMove a layer or selection
CCrop Tool
Ctrl + TTransform a layer or selection
GGradient Tool
EEraser Mode
PColor Select Tool
Ctrl + RRectangular Select Tool
JElliptical Select Tool
FFill Tool/ Fill a Selection
MHorizontal Mirror Tool
[Decrease Brush Size
]Increase Brush Size
IDecrease Brush Opacity
OIncrease Brush Opacity
Ctrl + JDuplicate Layer
Ctrl + EMerge Down
Ctrl + Shift + EFlatten All
Ctrl + GCreate a New Layer Group
Shift + DeleteRemove Layer
Shift + BackspaceFill with Foreground Colour
BackspaceFill with Background Colour
XSwitch Foreground and Background Color
DReset the Foreground Color to Black and the Background Color to White
Mouse right-clickReset the Foreground Color to Black and the Background Color to White
KDarken Color
LLighten Color
Ctrl + Shift + UDesaturate
CShow Common Color
HShow Color History
TabShow Canvas Only
Ctrl + Shift + FFull-Screen Mode
Ctrl + + / =Zoom In
Ctrl + Zoom Out
1Zoom 1:1 (100%)
2Zoom to Fit
3Zoom to Fit Width
Ctrl + ] or 6Rotate Right
Ctrl + [ or 4Rotate Left
5Rotate Reset

Recommended guide for Krita:

How to Work with Layers in Krita [Complete Guide]

How to Add and Import New Brushes in Krita

How to Modify, Remove and Blur Background in Krita

How to Enable Stabilization in Krita for Smoother Lines

Krita MacOS Keyboard Shortcuts

Keyboard ShortcutAction
Cmd ⌘ + NCreate a New Document
Cmd ⌘ + OOpen a Document
Cmd ⌘ + SSave the Document 
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + SSave As
Cmd ⌘ + Alt + SSave Incremental
Cmd ⌘ + WClose the Document
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + WClose All Document
Cmd ⌘ + QQuit the Application
Cmd ⌘ + ZUndo Previous Action
Cmd ⌘+ Shift + ZRedo to Next Action
Cmd ⌘ + XCut (Image, Layer, Shape & Text)
Cmd ⌘ + CCopy (Image, Layer, Shape & Text)
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + CCopy Merged
Cmd ⌘ + VPaste copied object
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + NPaste into New Image
Cmd ⌘+ Shift + RPaste as Reference Image
DeleteClear/Delete anything on a layer
F1Krita Handbook
F2Rename Current Layer
BFreehand Brush Tool
QMulti-Brush Tool
TMove a layer or selection
CCrop Tool
Cmd ⌘ + TTransform a layer or selection
GGradient Tool
EEraser Mode
PColor Select Tool
Cmd ⌘ + RRectangular Select Tool
JElliptical Select Tool
FFill Tool/ Fill a Selection
MHorizontal Mirror Tool
[Decrease Brush Size
]Increase Brush Size
IDecrease Brush Opacity
OIncrease Brush Opacity
Cmd ⌘ + JDuplicate Layer
Cmd ⌘ + EMerge Down
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + EFlatten All
Cmd ⌘ + GCreate a New Layer Group
Shift + DeleteRemove Layer
Shift + BackspaceFill with Foreground Colour
BackspaceFill with Background Colour
XSwitch Foreground and Background Color
DReset the Foreground Color to Black and the Background Color to White
KDarken Color
LLighten Color
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + UDesaturate
CShow Common Color
HShow Color History
TabShow Canvas Only
Cmd ⌘ + Shift + FFull-Screen Mode
Cmd ⌘ + + / =Zoom In
Cmd ⌘ + –Zoom Out
1Zoom 1:1 (100%)
2Zoom to Fit
3Zoom to Fit Width
Cmd ⌘ + ] or 6Rotate Right
Cmd ⌘ + [ or 4Rotate Left
5Rotate Reset

How to Customize Shortcut Keys in Krita

Not all tools or functions have shortcut keys in Krita. You can add, delete and customize shortcuts in Krita.

Add new Shortcut Keys in Krita

To add new shortcut keys, you need to open the shortcut menu. 

Step 1:

To access the shortcut menu on Windows, open the Krita Application. On the top menu, select Settings > Configure Krita.

To access the shortcut menu on MacOS, open the application from the Desktop or Launchpad. On the top menu, select Krita > “Preferences..”

Step 2:

Then click the Keyboard Shortcuts menu on the left panel.

Step 3:

New shotcuts scheme in Krita

Click the “New..” button, choose the name for your shortcut schemes, and then click OK.

Step 4:

Choose an action you want to add to the shortcut. For example, I choose Layers > Add File Layer action. 

Step 5: 

Click the action and select the Custom option. 

Step 6: 

Assign a new keyboard shortcut

Click the left button next to the custom option. After clicking it, press your chosen keyboard shortcut. For example, because I use Krita in MacOS, I assign it to Cmd ⌘ + =

Step 7:

After assigning a new keyboard shortcut, click OK to save changes. Now, you can use your new keyboard shortcut in Krita.

Deleting a shortcut key in Krita

If you don’t like the shortcut key, you can delete it in Krita.

There are two ways to delete a shortcut key in Krita. The first method involves adding a new shortcut key with the same combination as the existing one.

The second method is by manually deleting the shortcut key.

Deleting shortcut key in Krita

On the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, select an action. Then click the second button next to the shortcut key. It will delete the current shortcut. 

After deleting it, don’t assign a new key; simply click the OK button to save the changes.

Reset Keyboard Shortcuts in Krita

If you want to reset the keyboard shortcuts in Krita, there are two ways to do it.

Default keyboard shortcuts scheme in Krita

The first way is by changing the current scheme to the default keyboard shortcuts scheme.

To do it, first click the shortcut schemes dropdown menu, then choose Default scheme. Then click OK.

Restore keyboard shortcuts in Krita to default setting

The second way is by restoring your keyboard shortcuts setting to the default setting.

On the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, click the Restore Defaults button at the bottom of the panel. 

A pop-up will warn you that it will delete all custom keyboard shortcut settings in Krita. Click OK to save changes.

Photo of author
Kenny HD
Hi, I’m Kenny. I’m a digital artist who began learning art at the age of 21. I enjoy drawing cartoons and fan art.

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