Why Drawing is A Learnable Skill, Not Just a Talent

Have you ever caught yourself saying, “I’m bad at drawing; I just don’t have the talent for it?” You’re not alone. 

Many self-taught artists are often confused with this question: Is drawing a talent or a skill? In my view, drawing encompasses both talent and skill.

Is Drawing a Talent?

Drawing is more than just a talent; it’s a skill that can be learned and refined. Talent might influence the speed at which you initially grasp the basics of drawing. 

Everyone has the potential to learn drawing. Whether you’re a child, teenager, adult, or elderly, it’s a skill accessible to all. Your racial background, whether White, Asian, or African American, does not determine your ability to draw.

Even if you believe you don’t possess innate artistic talent, drawing remains a skill you can acquire.

However, without delving into the fundamentals and dedicating time to sketching and drawing from real-life references, an artist’s inherent talent alone won’t make them proficient in drawing.

Regardless of their natural talent, every artist requires time and effort to improve their drawing skills. 

You may have encountered young artists who produce incredible art. But their ability doesn’t mean you can’t reach or even surpass their level.

Drawing is, after all, a skill that can be learned.

Does Talent Matter When You’re Drawing?

Talent ranks third when one considers the importance of learning to draw. Hard work and time commitment hold the first and second spots, respectively. 

Without dedicating at least an hour a day to drawing, the extent of your natural talent becomes less relevant. 

An artist without inherent talent but committed to daily practice can outperform someone who relies solely on their talent.

In essence, as long as you’re willing to invest your time and significant effort, you can master the art of drawing, among other things. It’s all about dedication and practice.

Drawing is a skill you need to develop and master. 

Does Talent for Drawing Really Exist?

Leonardo Da Vinci

Yes, talent for drawing or creating art does exist. Think of Leonardo Da Vinci, who made the famous Mona Lisa. He had great talent, especially in an era when many artists didn’t even study anatomy.

But, what many might not know is that Da Vinci worked hard, too. He worked harder than his peers.

He learned about anatomy by dissecting animals and even humans. So, even someone as talented as him puts a lot of effort into learning and creating art.

The fact that some people are born talented doesn’t change the fact that drawing can be learned by any is willing to study and practice their drawing.

Can I Become Good at Drawing If I’m Not Talented?

You can become good at drawing even without innate talent. The key is dedication and consistent practice. Embrace the process and keep drawing every day.

As cited in Malcolm Gladwell’s “Outliers,” you need roughly 10,000 hours of practice to achieve mastery in any field. In terms of drawing, this equates to around five years if you dedicate at least 3 hours daily to learning to draw.

Surfing the internet, I found many artists believe they can’t become good at drawing no matter how much they try to learn it.

This perspective is especially prominent in online art communities, including Reddit, YouTube, and Discord.

Drawing is Easy to Learn. 

Many people believe drawing is difficult because they need to see quick results when they try. The main issue is that they often need to invest more time. I was genuinely surprised at how much I improved after my first 100 hours of drawing.

However, consistent and deliberate practice is essential. Hoping to improve by drawing is not an excellent strategy to have

To progress, I relied on the book “Figure Drawing: Design and Invention” by Michael Hampton and a few drawing courses from Udemy.

I’m a hobbyist artist, not a professional. I didn’t attend art school and only began drawing when I was 21. But with persistence, my drawing skills improved.

You can follow my steps and use these websites to learn portrait drawing.

Can Drawing Talent Be Improved?

Yes, drawing talent can be improved. While we can’t physically see talent, we can witness the progress in our drawings.

One key way to enhance drawing talent is by focusing on art fundamentals. DrawaBox is a free online exercise you can follow to learn important art fundamentals.

Try to draw upside down of an object. By drawing upside down, you will know how good your current fundamental skill is.

Moreover, you should broaden your horizons beyond just drawing and experimenting with various mediums such as watercolor, oil painting, sculpture, and more.

Development and experience in different art mediums will allow you to bring diverse perspectives to your drawings, further enhancing your skills.

How Far Can Talent and Skill Take You in Drawing?

There is a limit to how much talent can take you to draw. No matter how talented you are, professional artists at the top are both talented and hardworking.

Acquiring a good drawing skill doesn’t happen in a week or month. It takes years of learning. All professional artists experience this.

If you genuinely wish to become good at drawing, the secret is simple: keep drawing. Talent may light the initial spark, but your commitment and perseverance will fuel the flame.

OK, now let’s head into the vital part.

Actionable Plan to improve your art skill and talent

Here are actionable plans you can follow to improve your art talent and skill

  • Draw at least an hour a day, six days a week. By drawing daily, you’re building a habit that’s hard to break.
  • Distinguish between learning to draw and drawing what you like. It’s important to do both. Understand art fundamentals and figure out how to integrate them into your artwork.
  • Join the art community on Reddit, YouTube, and Discord.
  • Do not compare yourself to another artist. They have their artistic journey. You don’t know how much time they spend learning before they become good at drawing.
  • Be honest with yourself. What is your goal? Is it to become a professional artist? It’s okay not to become professional. You can become a hobbyist just like me.
  • Expand your knowledge through various art books and online courses. These resources can help you improve your art skills faster.
  • Believe in yourself. Remember, Everyone can become good at drawing, including you.
  • Focus on drawing on paper first before heading into digital art. You need to learn the drawing app to become good at drawing digitally. Learning Photoshop, CSP, Krita, or Procreate takes time.

Wrapping Up

Many people pick up a pencil and paper for different reasons. Some dream of being professional artists, while others just want to improve a hobby they love. 

Regardless of your creative ambition, you need to believe in yourself. No matter your talent, hard work often plays a more prominent role than innate talent.

Whether your goal is to draw a comic, create your webtoon, design your game characters, illustrate a children’s book, design landscapes, or create your own OC drawing for fanfiction, you must become good at drawing.

The good news is you can become good at drawing no matter how much talent you initially have.

Photo of author
Kenny HD
Hi, I’m Kenny. I’m a digital artist who began learning art at the age of 21. I enjoy drawing cartoons and fan art.

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